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The Root Chakra or 1st chakra: in Sanskrit Muladhara

Le Chakra racine ou 1er chakra : en sanscrit Muladhara

    The muladhara chakra is the screed on which our spiritual evolution rests. Like a temple that stands the test of time, if the foundations are stables and strong, then the columns will stand there in complete harmony and safety. The 1st chakra must be a solid foundation to ensure that all subsequent efforts to balance and open the upper chakras will not be in vain.

    Chakra and Spirituality: A Brief Reminder

    We find the concept and study of chakras in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions and consequently in the practice of yoga, t8>ayurveda and reiki.

    The chakras are energy centers or centers of consciousness. They can be compared to mini vortices in perpetual movement. Chakras are focal points of energy that have a direct, immediate and profound effect on our daily lives. The particular chakra where the majority of your kundalini energy is primarily concentrated - or polarized - influences your basic behavior and attitudes.

    This relationship between behavior and your dominant chakra is essential because the energy acts like a magnet. We are constantly attracting vibrations to us that are on the same wavelength as the chakras from which we function.

    Kundalini Yoga, introduced and taught in the West by Yogi Bhajan, allows kundalini energy to rise, balancing and coordinating all chakras .

    Ayurvedic medicine uses chakras to cure illnesses, physical or mental, by diagnosing the state and functioning of one chakra in relation to others. To become an accomplished being and live a harmonious life, it is essential to harmonize and align your chakras.

    The root chakra, definition and function

    Mula = root / adhara = base, foundation

    Located in the region of the sacrum at the level of the coccyx is the first of the Chakras. His Mantra is LAM. The Muladhara Chakra represents the boundary between animal consciousness and human consciousness. It is linked to the unconscious where the actions and experiences of our past lives reside. Thus, according to Karmic Law, this Chakra contains the course of our future destiny. It is also the basis for the development of our personality.

    The positive attributes of the Muladhara Chakra are vitality, vigor and growth. The negative qualities are laziness, inertia, egocentrism and domination by our physical desires.

    The Divinity of this Chakra is God Shiva in his manifestation as “Master of Animals” - Pashupati Mahadeva - which means that the lower qualities have been exceeded.

    In the symbolic representation of the Muladhara Chakra, there is a four-petalled lotus. They represent the four functions of the psyche : the mind "Manas", the intellect "Buddhi", consciousness "Chitta" and ego "Ahamkara" - each of them has its origin in this Chakra.

    Life is consciousness and consciousness strives for evolution.The symbols of Muladhara Chakra are characteristic of both energy and its upward movement. The color of this Chakra is red, the color of Shakti. Shakti means energy, movement, awakening and development. Red symbolizes the awakening of sleeping consciousness to active and alert consciousness. Another symbol of Muladhara Chakra is the inverted triangle, which has two meanings. One interpretation suggests that the cosmic energy "Prana" is pushed and guided downwards, as in a funnel. The other interpretation indicates an upward expansion of consciousness. The point of the triangle which is pointing downwards is the starting point, the seed, and the upward movement of the sides of the triangle reflects the evolution of consciousness towards human consciousness.

    The animal that represents the Muladhara Chakra is an elephant with seven trunks. The elephant is the symbol of wisdom. The seven trunks symbolize the seven treasures of the earth "Saptadhatu". The element of Muladhara Chakra is Earth, our base and our “mother”, which provides us with energy and nourishment.

    Excerpt from Venerable Vishwaguruji

    Detailed Features of Muladhara

    Muladhara: his qualities, symbols and characteristics

    • Name: 1st chakra - Root chakra, Mūlādhāra chakra in Sanskrit
    • Lotus: 4 lotus flower petals: Symbol of the four cardinal points
    • Color: Red - vitality
    • Bija Mantra: LAM – (Do note frequency)
    • Body location: At the lower end of the spine, under the coccyx, between the anus and the genitals
    • Sensory organ: the nose – (Sense: Smell)
    • Other features:
    1. anus, rectum, kidneys, bladder, bones, lower body skeleton,
    2. Associated endocrine gland, nerve plexus, adrenal gland, sacral plexus
    3. Hormones Adrenaline, neurotransmitter norepinephrine or noradrenaline , aldosterone, immune system, lymphatic system
    • Element: “Prithvi” Mother Earth – (Power, Power, Security and Protection)
    • Geometric shape (Yantra): Square
    • Deity: PASHUPATI MAHĀDEVA - Form of Shiva as "Lord of the animal world"
    • Animal: Elephant with seven trunks - Wisdom, wealth SAPTDHĀTU (the seven main minerals)
    • Symbols:
    1. Gray "SHIVA LINGAM" - the unconscious
    2. KUNDALINĪ SHAKTI - energy
    3. Inverted triangle - creation
    4. Awakening
    • Qualities and Aspects:
    1. Boundary between animal consciousness and human consciousness
    2. Unconscious
    3. KARMA seat of past lives
    4. Destined
    5. Positive: creativity, awakening of hidden abilities
    6. Negative: Unconsciousness, ignorance
    • Prāna: APĀNA - elimination
    • Vehicle: BHŪRLOKA - Physical Vehicle
    • Planet: MARS
    • Principle: AHAMKĀRA - ego / RUDRA principle, pride
    • Main gemstone: Onyx especially red onyx
    • Metal: Lead
    • Mineral: Calcium
    • Characteristic: KĀMA - passion
    • Feeling: ĀLASYA - laziness
    • Sensory organ: GHRĀNA - Nose / ASHVĪNĪ principle, smell
    • Feature: GRANTA - Elimination
    • Taste: bitter
    • Quality: SAMKOCHANA - contraction
    • Part of the body: ASTHI – bone, skeleton
    • Organ: GUDA - Anus / YAMA principle, destruction
    • Secretion: MŪTRA - urine
    • Gland: Gonad glands – (gametes and sex hormones) related to reproduction
    • Plexus: Sacral or sacral plexus
    • Other names: ROOT CHAKRA, 1st chakra, MŪLA KAMALA, MŪLA PRAKRITI

    Energetic body in resonance with the Physical and etheric bodies

    Actions and qualities: Security, vitality, confidence and primary instincts, connection to all that is linked with the earth, in relation to the material aspect of life ( money, social position, power, career, etc.), stability and inner strength, grounding.

    Blocking of fears related to: survival, change or evolution, lack of belonging to a family or clan, refusal to be totally in his body.

    Excerpt from the detailed characteristics of the Muladhara chakra made by and completed.

    Mantra LAM

    The important role of the first chakra

    The important role of the root chakra

    The Root Chakra is the primary first chakra of the body. It is located at the level of the perineum, between the genital organs, the anus and the coccyx. At the lower end of the spine, just above the pelvic floor. It is one of the seven main chakras. The red, its color, resonates with the physical and etheric bodies and establishes an important foundation for the development of the chakra system, as a whole, promoting spiritual evolution.

    The word Muladhara is a combination of two words. In Sanskrit Devanagari "Mula" means "root" and "Adhara": foundation or support.

    The Muladhara is responsible for the feeling of security, the basic and vital needs that a person must satisfy. It represents family ties and how easy it is to be comfortable and in harmony with our bodies and in society. A balanced root chakra is the foundation on which the process of opening the upper chakras is based.

    The muladhara chakra is the foundation of the physical structure and the energy body. It is very important to have a stable base. If the foundations of muladhara are not stabilized, one will not experience health, well-being, or a sense of stability and wholeness. Nor will we have the strength to climb the ladder of elevation in consciousness.

    Theactions of the root chakra relate to:

    1. Vitality
    2. force and vital energy
    3. survival
    4. security
    5. physicality
    6. Anchor.

    The first chakra: base of our evolution

    A balanced root chakra is the basis of our spiritual evolution

    The root chakra is directly related to the physical body, the terrestrial world and the energies of the earth.It directs, for most of us, our relationship with the material plane of life

    It governs our personal and physicalbasic needs for life and survival: our need for food, security, warmth, shelter and of house, of a hearth, of belonging to our own species, to a group or a tribe and of a vocation.

    Its essential function: to stand upright, fully embodied and grounded, stable and always ready to walk through life, whatever the conditions. It is directly related to the skeletal system, including the legs and feet.

    The main theme of the root chakra is security and stability. It is the first chakra that serves as the base for the expansion of the higher chakras, and there is only one order of opening, from bottom to top. It is the entry point, the foundation and the basis of our existence that determines our evolution as a soul experiencing physical and bodily experience. It is the bridge to the physical world, the commitment of the soul to fully live its embodied experience.

    The root chakra develops from the embryo and is largely influenced by the feeling of security or insecurity, in one's relationship with the mother, during pregnancy and early childhood. To give every chance of the future good balance of the child's root chakra, it is essential that a quick and trusting connection be established as quickly as possible between him and his successive two mothers, his mother and Gaïa, the earth.

    The 1st chakra mainly develops at the age of the baby, it has a close link with the smell (the nose) which is the dominant meaning of this period of life. The mother's scent is the most important clue for the baby.

    Without an open root chakra, no lasting spiritual evolution is possible. By being healed and open, it allows us to meet life without fear, and to live fully the different situations that our soul needs to grow. Only on this solid foundation is authentic spirituality possible – Otherwise, spirituality often becomes an escape from a life that seems too threatening and uncertain, a spirituality of escape that always yearns for light. higher realms but is never able to integrate it into the physical experience. It is obvious that such a fear-based spirituality can hardly lead to real transformation and often makes the situation worse rather than better.

    Kundalini and karma reside in Muladhara

    Muladhara is the place of origin of the three most important Nadis of Yoga, the "Shushumna", "Ida" and "Pingala". Depicted as a serpent coiled in the root chakra and asleep, the feminine creative energy Kundalini waits to be awakened in order to begin its ascent through the"Shusumna" - the subtle spine.

    The karma of the past is also dormant in our muladhara chakra, it is said that this karma "Prarabdha karma" influences our present life and therefore the happy and unhappy experiences.

    Everything we do sows a seed in the Muladhara Chakra and sooner or later it will start to sprout. The lowest chakra gives you the stability you need which includes nourishment, but also emotional needs.

    In the Muladhara chakra is our subconscious. When the root chakra is activated, unsuspected experiences are revealed, be it destructive anger, passion, freedom or joy.Despite pain and disillusion, working with our subconscious transforms negative emotions into experiences and opportunities for growth

    Benefits of an Open Base Chakra

    benefits of an open root chakra

    A person with an open and grounded chakra lives in a sense of security, stability and basic trust. She feels safe and comfortable in her body and has lost the fear of physical experimentation. She has developed an inner stability and security that is independent of changing and uncertain outer circumstances. This person walks on his path of life calmly and in constant evolution because he has found security and confidence within himself thanks to his rootedness. Fully embodied and grounded, she has a deep personal connection to the land and its inhabitants. By rightfully feeling at home on this planet and in her body, she radiates a life-affirming inner attitude. Material lack and existential fears are rather foreign to him.

    Signs of a Balanced Earth Chakra:

    1. Coherence,
    2. calm,
    3. stamina,
    4. balance,
    5. realism,
    6. pragmatism.

    Impacts of Blocked Red Chakra and Signs of Imbalance

    Root chakra blocked

    Imbalances of the root chakra are often due to the difficulties and tensions experienced during the first five years of life, if the child does not benefit from sufficient security and safety. In the following years, the base chakra is mainly disturbed by experiences of physical violence, existential fears, t8>social anxieties and the lack of a higher calling and connection to one's own soul.

    First chakra disorders

    Most of the causes of root chakra blockage are actually found in the present life and not in past lives or karma. Therefore, most people are born with a healthyroot chakra. In rarer cases, however, when the disturbance is karmic in nature, the affected person will experience very strong manifestations and problems.

    Psychological effects of an imbalanced root chakra:

    A person with a disturbed root chakra sees the world through a filter of uncertainty and experiences it with the existential tension that something bad could happen at any moment. The basic experience of life is negative. The person may be convinced that life is dangerous, harsh and unforgiving. But at the same time, he has no inner security, so he feels the need for a stable and secure outer life. This creates enormous tension and fear within. As the root chakra is the basis of our personal development, a personality structure is built on this fundamental fear, which also strongly influences and shapes the experience in all the other chakras.

    Often those affected feel homeless, have little or no inner security and low self-esteem.They have little confidence in life and are often plagued by strong existential and/or financial fears. Maybe later they will be in a hurry and depressed for no apparent reason.

    From this fear, one attempts to create security and stability from physical and social circumstances. This can manifest as a great fear of change, but also the exact opposite, which is the inability to get involved in anything because it seems too uncertain after all.

    Feelings of existential loneliness, feeling of not belonging anywhere, feelings of helplessness and inability are therefore frequent findings with a disturbed root chakra.

    A disturbance of the root chakra can lead to escape behavior, such as flight into drugs, alcohol, food, consumption, sexual addiction - but also a spiritual flight. It can also often lead to unconscious acts of compensation or even punishment and to diseases such as bulimia and anorexia or burnout syndrome.

    The lack of security can be compensated not only by an excessive attachment to relationships and circumstances, but also by an attachment to mental concepts, ideologies and beliefs.

    Signs of blockage:

    Typical signs of an imbalanced root chakra are fears, worries and nightmares. A certain restlessness is also noticeable. So if you notice that you start 100 different things, motivated and excited, without even finishing a single one, it's often a sign that you need to punish yourself again. On the physical level, the imbalance affects the excretory organs, such as the bladder or bowels, or manifests itself as a problem in the lower back, legs or feet.

    Physical effects of blocking:

    On a physical level, a blockage of the root chakra can often manifest itself by the following problems: General illness and immunodeficiency, lack of energy, diseases of the skin, bones and skeleton, problems in the legs and feet, in the anal region and hemorrhoids, erectile dysfunction and/or problems reaching orgasm (in both sexes). Exhaustion of adrenal gland function (Addison's disease) causes chronic fatigue and low endurance.

    How to harmonize the base chakra with yoga?

    How to activate the 1st chakra by practicing yoga?

    Reading previously about the Root Chakra, we learned that a balanced Root Chakra can bring with it emotional stability, a feeling of security passing through the unshakeable confidence in Life. What emerges is inner peace and the ability to face all the challenges that life throws at us. Doing yoga postures that act on the root chakra helps us to balance it.

    To grow and develop, we must first feel grounded, in which case the balance of the root chakra, or base chakra, will provide a solid foundation on which to we can lean on.One of the ways to balance the energy of our root chakra is to practice yoga

    Here are some positions that can either stimulate the chakra to increase energy or release excess energy. Hold each pose for five minutes, taking deep, slow breaths.

    A good way to practice these poses is to bring with you an intention related to releasing any blockages in the root chakra. Invite inner peace, release any fear or anxiety, trust the flow of life, believe in yourself and feel grounded.

    As you begin to connect to the earth, tap into its energy and release any negativity you are clinging to unnecessarily.

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    Paschimottanasana, the pinch pose

    One of the oldest postures described in yoga texts. The Western stretch, better known as the "gripper pose". It completely stretches the back by strongly stimulating Mulâdhara Chakra.

    According to the philosophy of yoga, "prana energy" flows in the "nadis" Ida and Pingala, These two energy channels ascending hug the spinal column in a spiral.
    To unite the two differentiated polarities of these two nadis, it is necessary to attract the vital energy prana in the central nadi Sushumna by releasing blockages along the spine, especially in the sacrum and lumbar.

    Claw Pose

    Apasana Pose

    Apanasana, the posture of Apana - the Vayu of elimination

    Apanasana, "the knees to the chest posture", sometimes called "Child's pose" on the back". In Ayurveda it is the Apana posture, the Vayu of elimination.

    According to Ayurvedic science, the functioning of our body is governed by the vital breath energy "Vayu", which is divided into five axes, five breaths including the Apana vayu which governs the excretion of the products of digestion, but also of negative experiences and destructive emotions, in a descending and evacuating movement.

    When Apana is balanced, it provides a sense of grounding: it is closely linked to the root chakra, Muladhara.

    Malasana, the Garland Pose

    Stretches the ankles, lower legs, thighs, groin, chest, stretches and tones the muscles of the pelvic floor, tones the abdominals This is an asana of "letting go" and anchoring. The body areas solicited are the feet and the pelvis. It is also a prayer asana (many Indians use this "mala posture" to pray and recite a mantra ).

    The approach is rooting, visualizing a red triangle pointing up (muladhara chakra triangle inverted).

    Bandha: Mula Bandha "muladhara lock" contraction at the perineum.

    the ultimate posture of Malasana, requires that the arms surround the body forming an energetic circle. The forehead should touch the ground… for total let go.

    Malassana, Garland Pose

    Utkatasana, the chair pose

    "Utkatasana" the posture of the Chair

    Although Utkatasana is usually assigned to the 3rd chakra, the Solar Plexus chakra, it remains useful for energizing the root chakra. This posture promotes the circulation of energy (prana) in the legs.

    Utkatasana allows us to better feel our center of gravity and allows us to work anchoring to the ground and rooting to the earth while strengthening ankles, leg, thigh, back and deep abdominal muscles.

    Vrikshasana, the tree pose

    Meaning and symbolism: vriksha (tree) āsana (posture)
    anchoring, strength, verticality, earth-sky link

    the tree posture developscentering, attention, concentration by favoring internalization in a feeling of relaxation and full balance. It stimulates rootedness, stability and promotes physical and mental letting go.

    The three granthis concerned "energy centers": root, heart and forehead.

    Mantra: Ham'Sa or So'Ham

    Alchemy and symbolism: become the tree, solid and impassive. We take root to better push towards the sky. In symbolism, this posture is the union of the earth with the sky, of the gross with the subtle.

    Tree pose, or Vrikshâsana

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    Harmonize your root chakra with plants, stones and aromas

    Associated stones

    Stones used in lithotherapy for the root chakra:

    Healers and Reiki Practitioners use healing stones to heal the 1st Chakra but we can also benefit from ourselves benefit from stones by wearing them and connecting with them during chakra meditation.

    1. garnet,
    2. ruby,
    3. red agate,
    4. red jasper,
    5. red coral,
    6. hematite,
    7. onyx,
    8. rhodonite,
    9. black tourmaline.
    10. Dark Carnelian

    🙏 Bracelets and malas in stones of healing - Lithotherapy

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    Dark Carnelian

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    Flint Pendant

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    Ganesha Earring

    Boucles d'oreilles Triangle Sublime - Bijoux argent et pierre semi-précieuse Achamana

    Silver Om Pendant

    Plants and essential oils

    The plants of the red chakra:

    1. cloves,
    2. cedar,
    3. vetiver,
    4. ginger,
    5. cypress,
    6. rosemary,
    7. Patchouli
    8. oak moss

    Essential oils that stimulate the root chakra

    All the warm, earthy and woody essential oils whose olfactory properties anchor us in the quiet strength of the earth, Gaia, our second mother.

    1. Essential oil of carnation,
    2. rosemary,
    3. ginger,
    4. cypress,
    5. cedar,
    6. Nard,
    7. patchouli,
    8. Vetiver.

    Well-being recipes with Essential Oils:

    Shower and bath to activate the Root Chakra

    100 ml of neutral cleansing base
    3 drops of Cedarwood essential oil
    1 drop of Nard essential oil
    2 drops of oil essential patchouli

    Mix your essential oils in a neutral cleansing base and shake everything well to obtain a shower gel that you can also use for baths.
    Unique moment of relaxation guaranteed .


    100 ml of Jojoba vegetable oil
    3 drops of Cedar essential oil
    1 drop of Nard essential oil
    2 drops of Patchouli essential oil

    Take a 100ml bottle filled with Jojoba oil, add the indicated drops of essential oils and shake the bottle (closed). Your massage oil is ready to use.

    Aromas and incense

    Aromas and incense to open Muladhara:

    1. Dammar,
    2. camphor,
    3. incense,
    4. myrrh,
    5. cedar and incense Nard,
    6. musk,
    7. sandalwood,
    8. aloe wood,
    9. patchouli,
    10. Palo Santo: Anti-anxiety and purifying. Function: raise the vibrations of a person, plant or room, open the heart, promote letting go, cut ties with negative energies by transmuting them - energize the immune system and the etheric body.

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    Associated foods

    Foods linked to the first chakra:

    • Terrestrial Root Vegetables:
    1. carrots,
    2. beets,
    3. potatoes,
    4. parsnips,
    5. radish,
    6. burdock root,
    7. turnips,
    8. kohlrabi,
    9. legumes,
    10. dandelion root (very effective against depression, relieves the gallbladder and acts on high blood pressure)
    • nuts, milk, dairy products, tofu and soy products.
    • Pumpkin seeds (prostate!), pine nuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds,
    • oils of the aforementioned seeds.

    How to unlock the root chakra:

    One method to restore balance to your root chakra is through meditation. By connecting to your higher self, trust in the roots can also grow again. Whatever name you give it, God, the universe, the energy, Mother Nature, the connection to everything, brings you peace and stability.

    As the sensory organ associated with the root chakra is the nose, when meditating focus on the tip of the nose, also called Nasikagra Drishti.

    You can also use other things associated with this chakra. These include healing stones, colors, scents and sounds.

    The Bija Mantra LAM is the sound associated with the root chakra. The vibrations that occur when chanting this mantra harmonize the Muladhara. In general, all exercises that involve Mula Bandha also help to bring you back down to earth and rebalance your lowest chakra. You can also use the Ashvini Mudra to stimulate the Muladhara Chakra. And it is worth it, because the attunement of Muladhara helps you get rid of negative thoughts and feelings and free yourself from things that are not good for you and do not belong in you.

    Opening and healing of the root chakra

    The Root Chakra opens when existential fear and distrust of life can be released and it is possible to fully engage in the physical experience.

    The following approaches can help open the root chakra:

    • Working despite childhood or karmic trauma
    • Development of a new relationship to physicality, letting go of the fear of pain
    • Dealing with existential fears, fears of survival
    • Meditate according to chakra meditations and energy work
    • Body work to release frozen fear in the body and to feel and experience the body.(Massage, yoga, therapeutic bodywork)
    • physical pleasure in the form of sex, good food, tenderness, hugs
    • interaction with nature, for example through gardening, trees, forest, sun, especially evening sun and red setting sun, mountains, sea, especially oceans
    • Support with gemstones, singing bowls, aromas, nutrition
    • Reiki session
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    For more information:

    The sacral chakra: Svadhisthana the 2nd chakra

    The solar plexus chakra: Manipura, the 3rd chakra

    The heart chakra: Anahata, the 4th chakra

    The throat chakra: Vishuddha, the 5th chakra

    The third eye chakra: Ajna, the 6th chakra

    The crown chakra: Sahasrara, the seventh chakra
