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Livraison offerte à partir de 135 euros de commande France et Europe

Livraison offerte à partir de 135 euros de commande France et Europe

Sahasrara Chakra - crown chakra


Sahasrara: Crown Chakra - 7th Chakra

located at the top of the skull - color purple

Sahasrara = thousand, infinity

Sahasrara Chakra is located at the top of the skull. It is also known as the “Thousand-petalled Lotus”, “Brahmarandhra” (the gate of God) or the “Million-rayed Center” because it shines like the Sun. No other light comes so close to the brilliance of the Sun. In the same way, the energy and the radiance of the other Chakras pale before the radiance of Sahasrara Chakra.

In Sahasrara Chakra resides an important power, Medha Shakti. Medha Shakti is a hormone that influences brain functions like memory, concentration and intelligence. Yoga exercises can activate and strengthen Medha Shakti.

Even though the Sahasrara is represented by purple, it has no particular color or quality. He is pure light which contains in itself all colors. The energy of all the Nadis unites in this center, as the waters of thousands of rivers join in the sea. Here is the seat of Shiva, the Supreme Self. The awakening of Sahasrara Chakra signifies the revelation of Divine Splendor and the realization of Supreme Consciousness. Just as night disappears when the Sun rises, ignorance vanishes with the awakening of the Sahasrara Chakra.

This Chakra represents the goal of Yoga, Self-Realization and Divine Realization, when the individual soul unites with Cosmic Consciousness. One who attains this is liberated from all Karmas and achieves Moksha - complete liberation from the cycle of rebirth and death. In meditation, the Yogi attains Nirvikalpa Samadhi (the highest level of Samadhi) in the Sahasrara Chakra, when the mind finally becomes completely still and realizes itself in the union of knowledge, the knower and the object of knowledge.

In Sahasrara Chakra blooms the thousand-petaled Lotus, symbol of unfolding complete consciousness. The Divinity of this Chakra is Shiva in the form of pure Supreme Consciousness. The corresponding element is Adi Tattva, the spiritual Supreme Tattva. The Mantra is the same as that of Agya Chakra: the original sound OM.

It is for the majority of us the knowledge of the Chakras, but it should be known that there are sub-chakras or secondary Chakras and according to the Venerable Vishwaguruji, in seventh position, there is the Bindu Chakra then in Eighth the Sahasrara Chakra.

Bindu Chakra

Bindu = point, drop

The Bindu Chakra is located under the tuft of hair at the tip of the skull. In the representation of the Bindu is a lotus comprising twenty-three petals. Its symbol is the moon which promotes the growth of vegetation. The God Krishna says: “By becoming the nectar of the moon, I nourish all the plants” (Bhagavad Gîtâ xv/13). His Divinity is Lord Shiva who is always depicted with a crescent moon in his hair. His Mantra is SHIVOHAM. This Chakra is colorless and transparent.

The Bindu Chakra is an important center for health, it gives us the power of physical and mental recovery. This Chakra benefits eyesight, soothes the emotions, and improves inner harmony, clarity, and balance. With the help of this Chakra, we become able to control hunger and thirst and obtain the power to get rid of our bad eating habits. Concentration on the Bindu eliminates anxiety and depression, nervousness, as well as the feeling of oppression at the level of the heart.

The Bindu Chakra bestows physical and mental health, vitality and youth, as it produces the “nectar of immortality” (Amrita) In general, this nectar flows into the Manipura Chakra, where it is consumed by the digestive fire without being fully utilized by the body. For this reason, the Rishis of ancient times searched for a method to collect this valuable nectar and they discovered that the flow of the nectar could be stopped with the help of the tongue and Vishuddhi Chakra. The tongue contains subtle energy centers, each of which corresponds to an organ or part of the body. In the Yoga techniques of Ujjayi Pranayama and Khechari Mudra, the tongue slows down the flow of nectar and stores it in Vishuddhi Chakra. Like a homeopathic remedy, it is then distributed through the subtle energy channels throughout the body where it then produces its healing effects.

We can't explain, on our own, better than the venerable Vishwaguruji. Explanations from the article "yogaindailylife"
