Sahasrara Chakra - crown chakra Min Sahasrara: Crown Chakra - 7th Chakra located at the top of the skull - color purple Sahasrara = thousand, infinity Sahasrara Chakra is located at...
Ajna Chakra Min Ajna Chakra: "Agya" Knowledge chakra - located between the eyebrows, or "third eye" - indigo color Agya = mastery, knowledge Agya...
The Root Chakra or 1st chakra: in Sanskrit Muladhara Min The muladhara chakra is the screed on which our spiritual evolution rests. Like a temple that stands the test of time, if the foundations are...
Solar plexus chakra, or 3rd chakra: in Sanskrit Manipura Min The solar plexus chakra resonates with the color yellow and is the third main chakra at the outgoing thoracic arches, in the middle of the...
Vishuddha Chakra - Vishuddhi Min Vishuddha: "Vishuddhi" - Throat Chakra located at the base of the neck – blue color visha = impurity, poison suddhi = purify The Vishuddhi Chakra...