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Lotus Flower - Purity and Spiritual Upliftment

Fleur de Lotus - Pureté et élévation spirituelle

The Lotus is the Symbol of absolute purity and enlightenment, emblem of spiritual elevation, it symbolizes purity of heart and mind.

The lotus flower represents the possibility for every human being to achieve the state of Buddha whatever the conditions of life, just like the lotus flower growing in a muddy pond.

The Lotus flower, symbol of Purity - 7th Chakra

The fact that the lotus is flower and fruit at the same time symbolizes the simultaneity of cause and effect within existence.
It is the flower with 1000 petals representing the 7th chakra, the crown chakra which contains all the previous ones.

The lotus symbol is present in many ancient and current Eastern cultures. Such in Ancient Egypt, in India, in Tibet. This flower grows in the darkness of the aquatic bottoms as if pushed towards the light. When it comes out of the water, it opens its petals with grace and elegance, as if offering itself to the Light. Its purity and beauty remain intact. This is why it has become a symbol of purity.

For Tibetans, it also symbolizes spiritual fulfillment and it is the flower with 1000 petals representing the 7 th chakra, the crown chakra which contains all the previous ones. There is also a Mantra and a Lotus Mudra. The "Aum" and "OM MANI PADME HUM" which are associated with the lotus flower.

The lotus is also used for its medicinal properties, in particular the blue lotus which is entirely edible.

Chanting the Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum

Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum chanted

Origins and definition of the lotus flower

Lotus flower: origins and definition

Also known as "Sacred Flower" and "Sacred Water Lily ", the lotus flower is white or pink most of the time. This water flower, with long roots, is native of South Asia and Australia. It grows in water gardens and ponds, in fact, it is familiar with waters moldy with a muddy bottom. The enchanting lotus blooms in the morning and falls in the afternoon, it resides in the warm sunlight and cannot survive the cold weather.

there are only two species. Lotus of America (Nelumbo lutea) with flowers cream or yellow and Lotus of India (Nelumbo nucifera) with bright red petals, snow white or pink.Lotus flowers grow in muddy subsoil on the water's surface, where they bloom in mesmerizing color gradients to majestic splendor

The lotus can live in the harshest conditions. Even in polluted waters, the lotus flower thrives very well and still enchants with its unspoiled grace. It is therefore not surprising that the lotus flower is revered and appears in many representations with Buddha.

In the early morning, the lotus flower slowly emerges from the water. It thus opens its large and magnificent flowers. In the evening, after sunset, the lotus flower retreats with closed flowers to return below the water surface. The next morning, the lotus wakes up and the water resurrection begins again.

Symbol of eternity, it is a sacred flower, the seeds of which last for more than a thousand years and can still bloom afterwards. The petals represent the four cardinal points of the compass and in the center they hold the cosmic Meru of Urberg, the axis of the world. With its holistic power, the Flower of Life is the most important element of sacred geometry in all spiritual traditions and represents harmonious energy patterns. The lotus symbol, present in several holy places around the world, illustrates its deep spiritual significance.

Lotus flower meaning and symbolism

Egypt lotus flower

Our ancient Egyptian ancestors gave great meaning and many different uses to this much-loved water lily. Two colors were most dominant in Ancient Egypt, the classic white lotus flower and the mystical blue water lily which they called the lotus blue. Not only is it present in the numeration system of ancient Egypt, which means 1000, in hieroglyph, but it is also represented in tombs and temples with high spiritual significance and symbolism.

The blue water lily is believed to symbolize the underworld, reincarnation, regeneration and the process of rebirth. They had special rituals and spells from the "Book of the Dead" that could reincarnate the dead into a lotus flower. Inspired by their unique flowering cycle, the Egyptians gave them great meaning and powerful utility.

Papyrus - Egyptian girls moistening blue lotus flowers

Hieroglyph depicting the god Horus holding a sacred lotus

The lotus in Egyptian mythology

The lotus was associated with the divine, many gods were painted with lotus flowers For example, the sun god, Atum Ra and the goddess Isis were both born of this mystical marvel. In ancient Egypt gave this flower the symbol of creation, rebirth and sun. The gods and goddesses not only worshiped the lotus flower for its beauty, but also for its many medicinal and cosmetic properties.

The cow goddess Hathor, goddess of healing, fertility and magic, is associated with the blue lotus because of her regenerative and healing powers .

After the scarab, the lotus flower in Egypt is the most important symbol of rebirth, of resurrection and regeneration. It also served as a floral decoration for the deceased. The ancient Egyptian mummy Ramesses II wore a garland of tiger lotus.

The lotus flower was also a token, a representation of peace used in the unification of the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt.

This blue water lily, whose origin is attributed to the Persians who brought it there around 500 BC, is illustrated by the Egyptian hieroglyphs on the capitals and frescoes of the temples. On the tombs, it symbolizes rebirth, reincarnation, drawn from the continual renewal of these flowers in the early morning after having withered during the night.

Some Egyptian religious leaders brewed the water lotus with mild sedatives and psychotropics to achieve a powerful ritual. The flower was not only a spiritual benefit to them, they found many other important medicinal and cosmetic uses. By extracting the oil from the flower, they could create massage oil, perfumes, teas, medicines, and bubble baths.

"Nefertum" is the god of perfume and was also associated with the lotus flower for its enchanting fragrance.

Sacred Lotus of Hindus

In Hindu tradition, white lotus flowers are usually seen under the feet of deities like Lakshmi, Ganesha and Saraswati. Brahma, the ultimate creator, also emerges from a lotus. This sense of purity comes from the flower's growing habit of rooting itself in mud and rising in water to bloom.

All Hindu deities are related to the sacred flower of life In fact, the Hindu vision of the creation of the world was created or born through the "Golden Lotus".

Statue of Ganesha with the right trunk: love and protection

White lotus flower in the early morning

Hinduism lotus flower: symbol

The lotus flower of Hinduism is symbol of peace, purity, eternity, prosperity and fertility. Due to its unique bloom cycle, the flower demonstrates a metaphysical purpose of the soul in transition to purity.

This unique life path teaches us the way to pure enlightenment of consciousness. It is the symbol of life, ever-renewed youth, eternity, purity and divinity. The sacred flower is used to describe the pure and creative vision of our "Feminine Principle"

According to Hindu belief, the lotus represents the radiant god Vishnu, who sleeps in the primeval waters between two creations, while a lotus grows from her navel.

In Ancient India, the lotus stem represents the axis of the world, which rises from primeval water and carries the planet.

The lotus in Buddhism

The lotus is one of eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism; the true nature of the beings who rise through "Samsara" into the beauty of the clarity of enlightenment. The Buddhists give an honorable symbolization to this magic flower: the purity of the body, of the mind, of speech and brings Detachment is also important. The lotus symbol embodies the purity of mind, body and speech that hovers above desires.

The birth of Buddha is represented by this sacred flower, as legend has it. Buddha's mother, "Queen Maya", claimed to dream of an elegant white elephant with a lotus flower in its trunk, shortly after the birth of the enlightened awakened.

The Lotus Mantras


The Lotus Sutra is one of the most important Mahayana Buddhist texts Teachings delivered by the Buddha to his disciples, including Ananda, on Eagles Peak at the end of his life.

"OM MANI PADME HUM": "OM the jewel inside the lotus HUM". This mantra invokes Chenrezig "Avalokiteshvara" who is the Bodhisattva of Compassion.

Each stage of the flowering of the sacred water lily symbolizes a state.

  • A closed flower represents the moment before the moment of enlightenment.
  • Flowering petals indicate full illumination
  • A partially bloomed flower signifies enlightenment beyond ordinary sight.

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Meaning and symbol of the lotus flower

Synchronicity and coexistence of the 10 states of life

The lotus is one of the rare plants to produce seeds and flowers in perfect synchronicity. In Buddhism, its properties symbolize the coexistence of the ten states of life. Our spiritual evolution would therefore not be on a linear plane, but rather interactive, inclusive and simultaneous.Each life state contains the other nine

The ten states of life in Buddhism:

The six lower paths: Hell, greed, animality, anger, humanity, frivolous and temporary happiness

The four noble paths: The state of study, self-awakening or absorption of knowledge, Bodhisattva state and Buddha state.

Meaning of the colors of the Lotus Flower in Buddhism

Buddhism regards the lotus flower as a special symbol because it rose from musk to achieve enlightenment. As the spirit ascends, it is also purified and faithful in its elevation to enlightenment.

Meanings of the different colors of the lotus flower:

  • White lotus flower "Pundrika": represents purity. The white lotus is the symbol of spiritual perfection and complete spiritual purity of consciousness.
  • Red Lotus Flower "Kamala": Love and compassion. The red lotus is linked to the sensations and feelings of the heart: passion, love and kindness.
  • Blue Lotus Flower "Uptala": good sense in which logic and wisdom create enlightenment. Represents constancy, strength and endurance as well as wisdom and knowledge.
  • Pink lotus flower "Padma": represents the story of the Buddha. The pink lotus is the highest form of enlightenment and represents Buddha.
  • Purple lotus flower: Symbol of the Divine, of mystical and spiritual awakening. Ability to know oneself.
  • Golden lotus flower: represents fulfillment and total enlightenment.

Symbol and representation of the Buddhist lotus:

  • Patience
  • Purity
  • Mysticism
  • Direct spiritual contact
  • The void of desire
  • Victory over attachments
  • Enlightenment and the Bodhi State
  • Love and compassion for all things
  • Self-awareness
  • Fidelity during spiritual development
  • Getting out of suffering

Lotus, yoga and meditation

Lotus and yoga:

These deep spiritual meanings gave rise to a way of sitting and a yoga posture, known as the lotus posture"Padmasana". The legs are crossed and bent so that the bent knees resemble the petals of a lotus. It is an important position in Buddhist meditation and the yoga practice, it allows to connect the body, the mental, the emotional and the spirit.

This specific asana is designed to help strengthen the back while working on the flexibility of the knees and inner hips, it is also called the "hip open position" . It is also the ideal position for chanting mantras and pranayama.

Sitting position, legs crossed, left foot on the right thigh, right foot on the left thigh, knees flat on the ground. The back must remain straight, without digging into the kidneys, and the head in alignment with the spine. There is a variation with "Siddhasana" the half-lotus pose.

In Indian yoga, the lotus has a strong spiritual meaning and holds valuable lessons.Serenity and the ability to unfold, enlighten, develop and flourish The "Padma mudra" (the lotus mudra), which consists of reproducing the Blooming the lotus flower with the hands is one of the meditative approaches.

The lotus flower in meditation:

Very often a lotus flower is hung as an energy picture in a yoga studio or meditation room. During spiritual relaxation exercises, the lotus flower can help you bring body, mind, and soul into harmony.

Advanced yogis use the lotus seat as an ideal position for meditation and recite a mantra in silence. Sitting in an upright position, the body and the ego are no longer perceived. The energies can now flow undisturbed and revitalize us.

Now close your eyes and imagine a beautiful lotus in bloom, which you are holding in your hand. It's light, but not fully open yet. Slowly, the lotus flower grows in a chakra, for example in the space of the heart or in the energy center where your intuition is located. Gradually, the lotus flower develops with each meditation and each breath - from a simple seed to a majestic flower.

Anything that blocks, frightens, weighs down or disturbs the chakra rolls on the lotus flower. The lotus flower surrounds the chakra with a soothing and protective mantle and additionally supplies it with vital energy. If you continue to focus on the lotus flower, it will eventually activate, open, and cleanse your chakra. He is now ready to absorb higher energy.

The lotus is also used in mandalas, which are spiritual and artistic representations of divine energies and aids to meditation in Buddhist, Hindu and in the yoga practice.

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Meaning of the lotus flower in the representation of the chakras

Lotus flower and chakras

The lotus flower also plays a central role in the chakra teachings Each chakra is represented by a lotus symbol, which has a different number of petals. The number of petals increases from the first chakra, represented by a four-petalled lotus flower, to the seventh chakra, represented by a thousand-petalled lotus flower.

Just as the lotus flower undergoes a transformation before blooming by day and closing by night, human consciousness continues to evolve through lessons and trials into enlightenment. We reach this highest level of spirituality, self-realization and cosmic unity when the individual chakras are activated and Kundalini energy can elevate the crossing one after the other in a harmonious way.

Totally open mind, enlightenment as the Buddha experienced it, is symbolized by the thousand-petalled lotus flower "Padma" of the crown chakra. All petals, even those hidden within, are now exposed and blooming in all their glory.

Different numbers of petals for each chakra:

  1. 4-petalled lotus flower : root chakra
  2. 6-petalled lotus flower : sacral chakra
  3. 10 Petal Lotus Flower : Solar Plexus Chakra
  4. 12 petal lotus flower : heart chakra
  5. 16 Petal Lotus Flower : Throat Chakra
  6. 96 Petal Lotus Flower : Eyebrow Chakra
  7. Lotus flower with 1000 petals: crown chakra

The lotus mudra

The lotus mudra opens the heart chakra and is a symbol of purity. A lotus flower sits on the surface of the pond, opening up to the sun as its roots remain deep in the muddy bottom, keeping it firm and strong. She is the symbol of light and beauty emerging from darkness.

The message of the lotus mudra is to stay connected to your roots, open to the light, and realize that the greatest sense of stability in life is an open heart.

How to do the Lotus Mudra:

Sitting cross-legged (or any other easy sitting position), bring the base of the palms together to the center of the heart, touching the thumbs and little finger together. Spread the rest of the fingers like the lotus flower opening towards the sunlight. Close your eyes and take several long, deep breaths.

There are many variations of this mudra that offer a little something extra. The floating mudra is a great extension to try: inhale and slowly float (lift) the flower from your heart to your third eye (between the two eyebrows) and then exhale, slowly bringing it back to the center of the heart. Keep doing this for as long as you want.


After this mudra, you should feel grounded and strong like a lotus flower, while opening your heart to the joys of life.

The lotus mudra drains misunderstandings, helps release tension and is also practiced to strengthen the fire element in the body It is a great reminder of the beauty and grace that lies within and around you you.

You can use it to cultivate love and affection, to relieve loneliness, and it can also be practiced when one feels drained, taken advantage of, or misunderstood.

Take the time to open your heart.

This mudra is a visual representation of the sacred space of the heart. It is also a gesture of expansion of this space, an opening or a fulfillment.

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The uses of the lotus flower

The uses of an edible and medicinal lotus flower

Besides decorating thrones and serving as seats for enlightened beings, the two main kinds of Lotus are surprisingly useful for edible and medicinal purposes. The Blue Lotus Family, or Nymphaea, is useful for making a sedative tea that helps you overcome insomnia without feeling drowsy the next day.

The sacred lotus, or family Nelumbo, is also cultivated for its edible seeds and tubers.

Lotus seeds have antioxidant properties, lotus flower extract protects the liver and is said to have a positive effect in the fight against cholera.

Lotus can be used by men in their 40s and 50s for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Recognized medicinal virtues of the lotus flower.

The elaboration of a tea made from Lotus flowers is very common and has sedative and soothing properties.Blue Lotus flowers would be more effective in treating:

  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Cold and cough
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Bleeds from the nose
  • Aphrodisiac capacity

The lotus flower is present in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine Everything is used: flower, seeds, roots - tubers and the stem (the rhizome)

The therapeutic effects of this Asian plant:

  • Relaxation and soothing.
  • Strengthening the heart.
  • Antipyretic properties to fight fever.
  • There are antioxidants in it.
  • Lowers blood sugar levels.
  • Alleviates and fights bronchial ailments.
  • Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties.
  • Cosmetic benefits and softness (creams and perfumes) thanks to its soothing, olfactory, moisturizing and purifying properties.

The lotus, a 100% edible plant:

Everything is good to eat in the lotus.

A flower-fruit plant (looks like a watering can).

The Asian Lotus plant is considered a top delicacy in Vietnam.

“Renkom” tubers

Cooked and eaten like most tubers, raw, steamed, marinated, fried or prepared in a wok.

The rhisome ("tuft of roots"

This underground stem bearing roots, which can be subaquatic and full of food reserves, is rich in starch. It is prepared in several ways: cooked in a wok, prepared in soup, or fried. It can be eaten both savory and sweet.

Lotus leaves:

They are often mixed with rice dishes for their delicate and divine aroma. They can also be eaten in a salad.

Lotus seeds:

Also very rich in starch. Can be eaten raw, cooked or grilled and salted. They have also been used for desserts with a very subtle taste.

Androeciums "Stamens"

The stamens, which make pollen grains, are mainly used in traditional Chinese medicine and to flavor tea.

Lotus flower petals:

In addition to their decorative functions as statues, prayer hotels and cooked dishes, they are used as ingredients in perfumes and can be eaten in tempura fritters.

The Lotus Flower in Feng Shui

The lotus and crystal lotus flower in feng shui

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The lotus is like a metaphor akin to beauty in the midst of all adversity. The great masters of the monasteries often portray the lotus as a profound representative of innocence within radiating beauty without. It's hard to argue against it because the Buddha himself seems to love the lotus seat.

Guan Yin, the beloved Goddess of Mercy, is well known to be associated with lotus plants.

Guan Yin is often depicted in paintings holding lotus flowers, seated among the surrounding lotus shoots, with lotus flowers as a backdrop, seated in the lotus position, or on a lotus seat in the manner of Buddha

Even as an exhibit, it is often accompanied by a crystal lotus flower for feng shui.

The use of the lotus in feng shui

The lotus carries positive energy that can promote academic success, social status and good fortune. So it has a place for almost any type of context.

With an image of mandarin ducks which signifies a happy marriage, it emphasizes the happiness and the purity of the relationship.

On Chinese coins which are associated with luck, the lotus highlights the ethical source of its probabilities.

In the company of the three-legged frog, it represents the arrival of deserved money luck.

It is present in several auspicious paintings such as, among others:

  • Shown in green means scholars reach first rank
  • Associated with laurel is a sign of good luck in fertility
  • With the egret and the reed kitten he promotes and wishes for academic success
  • When two lotus flowers grow on the same stem, they symbolize a happy couple

Feng shui placement of a lotus plant:

Intact in the face of impurity, the lotus represents purity of heart and mind. As its flower does not emit any negative energy, it can be placed anywhere in the house guaranteeing exclusively positive energy.

If you place it behind a window, it will become a powerful energizer for your Feng Shui by diffusing its reflections throughout the room and activating the flow of Chi " vital energy". It is also a protection against the waves that invade us. A crystal lotus flower can diffuse energy by combining the shape and spirit of the lotus flower, the power of the crystal and the sun. The light of a candle can also do the trick. Different color variants can be used depending on the desired result.

The lotus flower in a Zen and feng shui garden

If you have a deep fountain, barely flowing stream, or healthy pond, you can try growing your own Lotuses. Treat yourself to a zen place where the atmosphere of floating candles, floating from one lotus flower to another, draws yin and yang to dance in the same universal vibration. Choose from the various colors and flower types of the true Lotus or sacred lotus and water lilies of the same name at a reputable aquatic plant nursery, then root them in pots or at the bottom of a muddy pond .

Make sure there is at least 10cm of water above the pot or mud and no more than 15cm. You can plant them in spring or fall, and there is no need to fertilize or prune them. The plant will begin to grow vigorously when temperatures reach around 20 degrees, then go dormant when winter returns.

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Meaning of Lotus Flower Tattoo

Lotus Flower Tattoo

Getting a lotus flower tattoo is a great way to show your attachment to a Hindu or Buddhist faith. It is also a reminder of humility and the search for inner peace. You can also develop a better balance in your life with a tattoo of this flower as the eight petals represent the eight parts of a spiritual path. A colorful or pure white lotus sends a message of grace and love to all who see it.

The grace of a lotus flower tattoo

A lotus flower tattoo exudes grace and elegance due to its soft outlines and many colors. With a firmly established link with the spiritual, he suggests a form of anchoring in his faith and beliefs that adds to his charisma. Lotus flower tattoos symbolize calm, serenity and tranquility. They combine power and tenderness in an unusual style.

Design and shape

Deep and intimate religious symbols have always attracted people to ink them on their skin, and the lotus flower is no exception. The appeal of alotus flower tattoo is all the greater because it can be imprinted on both men and women. She is also pretty all over her body.

Size and location of the tattoo

The size and placement of lotus flower tattoos are among the choices to make. A major advantage is that a lotus tattoo looks pretty regardless of its size. Some tattoos are tiny, others are larger and more intricate. They can all be beautiful.

Choosing a location to get a lotus tattoo is often done for practical reasons, as there doesn't seem to be any universal meaning attached to where your tattoo is located . Larger designs look great on the back or chest. Smaller ones on the wrist, elbow, inner arm, shoulder or foot will still be visible.

Lotus tattoos can depict the flower alone or in water, individually or in large numbers, and can even be matched for balance and harmony with another lotus, or a tribal element for contrast.

Lotus flower tattoo on back

Lotus flower back tattoo

The lotus flower tattoo is popular

So it's no wonder that lotus flowers are among the most popular tattoo designs They have contemporary or traditional designs, created at various levels of complexity and inked in color or black. They are versatile, representative and symbolic. The Hindus or Buddhists also make a lotus flower with the sign "OM" inside

The range of personalized meanings, symbolisms and implications that the lotus flower tattoo allows for is limited only by the power of one's imagination - and the skill of the needlework. 'an artist.

Those who are put off by the needle will turn to jewellery and clothing whose fabric will be "tattooed", decorated with a lotus flower. They will find in it just as much the grace and the sweetness of the manifestation of the symbolism of the lotus, without the tingling of the needle, nor the permanent side of a single and unique representation engraved for life.

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